Welcome to the choir page of the Hymns of Thanksgiving website. A choir will be organized for this year’s Hymns of Thanksgiving performance. The seating arrangement in the Idaho Central Arena allows us to organize a choir of not more than 210 singers, with singing parts including:
CHOIR APPLICATIONS MAY ONLY BE SENT THROUGH THIS WEBSITE, AND WILL ONLY BE RECEIVED BETWEEN SEPTEMBER 1 AND SEPTEMBER 30. All choir participants MUST submit an application below at the bottom of the page. When you submit your application, you will receive an email confirming receipt.
The Hymns of Thanksgiving Choir is organized anew each year. Even if you have been in the Hymns of Thanksgiving Choir in previous years, you MUST submit an application in a timely manner to be considered for membership in the Choir. You will receive an email notification of your choir status by October 1.
Choir members will enjoy an intense and very rewarding choral experience. Even though choir members are not “auditioned”, the Hymns of Thanksgiving Choir is NOT a “training choir.” A choir applicant should be well-grounded musically, capable of understanding and learning difficult music and be willing to blend his/her talent with others to achieve a “one-voice” choir. Because much of the music is quite challenging, choir members must be dedicated to attending the scheduled rehearsals. See the “Directors” tab of this webpage for background of the proficient musical directors leading the choir and orchestra.
Men selected for the Hymns of Thanksgiving Choir will need to have a black suit and white shirt for the performance. Ties and pocket squares will be furnished. Women selected for the Hymns of Thanksgiving Choir will need to wear black slacks or skirt for the performance. Concert tops will be furnished. Black concert folders will be furnished.
The TENTATIVE choir rehearsal schedule (updated 2025) is as follows:
Monday, October 6
Thursday, Octobere 9
Monday, October 13
Thursday, October 16
Monday, October 20
Thursday, October 23
Monday, October 27
Thursday, October 30
Monday, November 3
Thursday, November 6
Monday, November 10
Thursday, November 13
Monday, November 17
Wednesday, November 20 (with orchestra); arrive 7:30 pm (Rehearse 7:45 – 9:30 West Jr. High)
Thursday, November 21 (Dress Rehearsal with orchestra) 6:30 – 9:00 West Jr. High
The Choir rehearsals (other than November 20 and 21) will be held in the Borah High School Auditorium, 6001 Cassia, Boise, ID 83709. The two joint rehearsals on November 20 and 21 with the orchestra will be held at West Junior High, 8371 W Salt Creek Ct, Boise, ID 83709.
A “warm-up” rehearsal/soundcheck will be held on Sunday, November 24 (Choir only 4:30, w/Orchestra from 5:00- 5:30 pm with the Orchestra at the Idaho Central Arena. Choir to return to stage by 7:15 pm, and the public performance will begin at 7:30.
Ready to apply?
Click HERE to complete an application!
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