When completing your application, please enter your first and last name exactly the way you want it listed in the printed program if you are selected as a member of this season’s Choir. Also, please enter your telephone number: format  208-123-1234. 


After entering ALL the requested information on the application, click “Submit” at the end of the application. Your application will be sent to the Choir Personnel Directors. You will be contacted by your Choir Section Leader upon acceptance to the choir (usually a week before the first rehearsal).


Thank you for your interest in Hymns of Thanksgiving Choir.


The application will be active only between September 1 and September 30. YOUR APPLICATION WILL NOT BE COMPLETE UNLESS YOU ACCURATELY FILL IN ALL REQUIRED DATA, AND SEE THE MESSAGE: YOUR APPLICATION HAS BEEN SUBMITTED. If you don’t see that message, review the application for any red highlighted fields to correct, then hit “SUBMIT” again.